We are really pleased to be able to continue hosting our regular Scent Detection group with the very awesome Kat Janczur from K9 Behaviour Consultancy & Canine Detection Solutions in 2024.Kat is an amazing trainer 
, and works her own dogs very successfully as operational Knotweed Detection dogs. She has a huge wealth of knowledge around dog behaviour and can help you on your scentwork journey whether you are just starting out, looking to improve, or problem solving, regardless of your dog’s age or breed.
We’re really proud to be able to bring Kat to Huddersfield and can’t wait to learn from her
This is a full day workshop, with 2-3x one-to-one working sessions per handler throughout the day.

£88 per handler. Suitable for any level.
WHEN? May 25th 2024
WHERE? Brockholes village trust, Huddersfield. (We’ll send you more information about our venue after booking!)
WHAT? A single day scent detection workshop with guest trainer Kat Janczur (Canine Detection Solutions).