Scent Detection

What is scent detection?

Scent detection teaches our dog to find a specific target scent within their nearby environment, and indicate to us when they have found it. We can utilise our dog’s natural scenting ability to teach them to have fun working with us to find hidden scented objects or items, in a whole range of different environments.

Scent detection is a truly accessible activity for all dogs, regardless of breed, age, or mobility.

You may have seen operational scent detection dogs working in a range of roles.

  • Explosives and mine detection dogs
  • Police detection dogs for dangerous or illegal items including drugs, cash, & firearms
  • Medical Alert dogs
  • Environmental detection dogs

Our Scent Stars courses are aimed at helping you & your dog develop your scent detection skills, as well as building the teamwork and relationship between dog and handler. We use positive and motivational methods to ensure both you and your dog get the most out of our courses, using methods learned through experience with some of the best operational handlers in the UK.

Scent Stars

Scent Stars is our Scent Detection training programme. Training covers the theory and practical elements of scent detection, and teaches you how to develop your dog’s natural scent skills with increasing challenges as you progress. Training for dogs and owners begins in our puppy scent workshops and level 1 Scent Stars course, right through to three levels of progression in our Scent Stars programme.

Scent Star Titles

SD (Scent Detection) titles can be earned by achieving a Qualifying round at one of our Assessment Days. Extra badges can be earned through training days, assessments and video submissions!




Through the spring and summer we usually hold detection workshops and courses outdoors, but through winter, classes move to our indoor venue.

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