Scent & Track

Scent & Track UK offers lots of different scent related activities for you and your dog.


Scent and Track UK offers an optional titling system for those interested. Your dog can achieve the following titles – SD ( Scent Detection pathway), TS (TrackStars pathway), or TSP (TrackStars PRO pathway), at three levels. Titles are earned by achieving Qualifying (Q) assessments toward the relevant title. Non-Qualifying assessments don’t count toward your dog’s titles but still may earn you recognition!

You can work through these titles at your own pace, joining us and applying for assessment when you feel that you and your dog are ready to attempt the challenge!

You can choose how you want to collect your Qualifying assessments toward titling. You may want to achieve all pathway titles at Level 1 first, or you may choose to go for Level 3 in a single pathway before moving on. Or you can mix and match!

For example: Jenga SD2 TS1 has earned her Qualifying assessments for Scent Detection Level 1 & 2, and Track Stars Level 1. Blitz TSP3 has earned all her Qualifying assessments in Track Stars Pro.

You can find more information about Titling on the relevant training pathway pages.

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